Monday, December 12, 2011

Setting the tax regime of your buyers 
Newsletter #34

A tax must usually be applied by the seller to the amount of a sale transaction.
Two main factors modulate the application of this tax.
  • The tax status of the seller and the buyer;
  • The respective location of the seller and the buyer.
Now you can specify on the form of each of your buyers, the tax regime to be applied at the conclusion of a sale.
Click My WebOrder on the home page
  1. Connect your seller account and follow Buyers > Accounts;
  2. Select the account of buyer to change;
  3. Clic Firm and select the appropriate tax regime;
  4. Click OK to save your changes.
Important !
  • If a buyer adds products to his shopping cart before logging in (ie, user not identified by WebOrder), the scheme being implemented at the conclusion of the sale is the default tax regime in the country of the seller.
  • A logged in buyer can change its own tax regime as long as his profile is open.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Create a link to your website 
Newsletter #33

In the global products directory, you can transform your company name, which appears on the record of each product, into an hypertext link that directs the visitors to your own website. You can also specify the type of activity of your business.

In the MyWebOrder section of the home page
  • Log in and follow Firm > Profile and click Firm > Change

    Two new sections have been added.

    • Business type
      Select the type of activity that best matches that of your business.
      If you select "Not set" no indication of activity appears in the product directory.

    • Website
      Enter the full URL (format example : of the site to which a visitor must be redirected. No link is created if you leave the box empty.

  • Click Ok to save the changes.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The global products directory 
Newsletter # 32

The home page of now includes a global directory of products. This directory is called "global" because it may contain any product (good or service) created in WebOrder
  • The global directory has three levels of classification. The list showed under the title Categories of the home page includes all the entries of the first classification level.

  • The seven products, last created in WebOrder and added to the global directory, are listed in reverse chronological order on the home page. Each product form of this list contains the summarized profile of the organisation offering the product. It also shows the links to each point of sale of the organisation in which the product is available.

  • By default, a newly created product is not added to the global directory. To automatically include a product in the directory, simply adjust the product profile by selecting, for at least the first classification level, the category in which it must be present (Step 3 of the product edition wizard : Classification in the products directory). If the product is one of the seven products last created in WebOrder, it will also appear in the "Last added products" list on the home page.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Buyers have three ways to register 
Newsletter # 31

The following section has been redesigned.

In Create or manage a store on the home page
  • Connect your account and select Stores

    A new parameter was added.

    • Registration mode

      In each selling module, you now have three options that determine the amount of information that buyers need to provide when they create their account.

      1. Minimal registration.
        The collection of information is reduced and takes place on one page: name of the new account, password, e-mail.

      2. With personal data.
        Data collection as in step 1. Also, optionally, data relating to the person who holds the new account.

      3. Extended registration.
        The data collected in the previous steps and the data related to the business of the buyer.

      N.B. Of course, the selected option will apply only if the option By connecting a buyer account is selected in the dropdown list Identification mode which is located immediately below.

Friday, April 1, 2011 becomes WebOrder's main domain name! 
Newsletter # 30 now represents the main gateway to WebOrder.

The homepage gives a direct access to the three major divisions of the application.
  1. The sellers directory (search engine) which corresponds to the Sellers button. The sellers directory allows buyers to find any point of sale of a WebOrder registered vendor.
  2. The administrative interface (backoffice) which corresponds to the My WebOrder button.
  3. The WebOrder mobile application, which is the new version of WebOrder specially developed for mobile phones.

    The home page of this release, which can also be directly opened by typing the address in the browser of a mobile phone, has a specific search engine.

    In addition, buyers can instantly reach a specific point of sale by entering the address in the browser of their mobile. (provided, of course, a "shortcut" was defined in the settings of the concerned shop).

WebOrder is ready for e-ticketing! 
Newsletter # 29

You can now use WebOrder to record bookings for events, to sell tickets for shows, sporting events, etc..

For each event, activity, .. you create a product and place the products into categories and catalogs so that visitors to your point of sale can select and order the tickets.

Here are the settings used for the Rock group example.

In the management interface (back office)
  • Stores
    1. Cart activated: yes
    2. Products per cart : 1
      Each order is restricted to a single event.
      N.B. This restriction does not prevent the buyer to order more than one item (an entrance, a seat, ..) of the event (group ticket).

  • Catalogs
    A single catalog: Concerts, which categories form an agenda.

  • Categories
    Two categories:
    1. 05/2011
    2. 06/2011

  • Products > General Properties
    The name of the product provides a brief description of the event.
    Each event is assigned to the appropriate category of the agenda.

  • Products > Local Properties
    • Maximum orderable : 2
      Only two units (entrances, seats, ..) can be ordered per ticket.
      N.B. A larger number could allow the sale of group tickets.
    • Splitting allowed : no
      Prevents the buyers to order a half ticket.

  • Prices > Selling prices
    • Units : 1
      Sets the price of one item (an entrance, a seat, etc..)
      N.B. When multiple units can be ordered at once, then one or more additional prizes can be created to offer a discount depending on the size of the group.