The home page of now includes a global directory of products. This directory is called "global" because it may contain any product (good or service) created in WebOrder
The global directory has three levels of classification. The list showed under the title Categories of the home page includes all the entries of the first classification level.
The seven products, last created in WebOrder and added to the global directory, are listed in reverse chronological order on the home page. Each product form of this list contains the summarized profile of the organisation offering the product. It also shows the links to each point of sale of the organisation in which the product is available.
- By default, a newly created product is not added to the global directory. To automatically include a product in the directory, simply adjust the product profile by selecting, for at least the first classification level, the category in which it must be present (Step 3 of the product edition wizard : Classification in the products directory). If the product is one of the seven products last created in WebOrder, it will also appear in the "Last added products" list on the home page.