Monday, March 8, 2010

How to embed a selling module in my blog?

  1. Create a selling platform in
  2. In the selling platform, create the catalogs with your products.
  3. Copy/Paste the HTML code below into the HTML code of your blog (or in the code of a page of your website).

  4. In WebOrder, open your selling module and click the ? menu option (see an example in the selling module below).
  5. Copy the text contained in the Complete link rubrique.
  6. In the HTML code that you've pasted in your blog, replace the content of the src = "http:// ..." attribute with the link you just copied.
  7. Save the changes to your blog.
  8. Your selling module now appears in a window of your blog (or webpage).
  9. If necessary, adjust the window size by changing the values of the width and height parameters in the HTML code of the blog.

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